Friday 19 October 2012

Life drawing: Sculpture

This week, instead of drawing, we used clay to make the figure. We started  with basic shapes, and then used clay tools and our hands to refine this into a more realistic figure. I enjoyed this, but in the time we had, I found I couldn't get all the smaller details in. I think I captured the proportions quite well, and I enjoyed how easy  it was to change parts by adding and taking away little pieces of clay.

Making the head sculpture was my favourite part, because of how much detail I could put in, but I also enjoyed the process of building up the head, starting with a newspaper base, then building up the basic head shape with clay. Each four minutes, we all moved positions, so as to get an all round view of the head. I struggled for a while to get the profile right, but I think my end result turned out well and is very realistic.

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