Sunday 7 October 2012

Graphic Design : Final Outcomes

Our design brief for graphic design was to create a series of 4 A4 images, to communicate our interpretations of a selection of words. we could only use a limited colour palette of one or two colours in addition to black and/or white. After I did a series of thumbnail sketches and collage backgrounds, I came up with outcomes for consume, flowing, stability and detached.


I chose red for the word consume, because red is very rich and vibrant, and I thought consume should be a deep warm colour. I also thought of 'DO NOT CONSUME' warning labels. I have used red to mean danger, as a warning because the word consume is different to eating. to consume something is to devour it, to take it all until there is nothing left. I have tried to make the lettering as if it is taking up all the space, expanding as much as possible until there is no more space left.


 I have used blue for the word flowing, and tried to incorporate the letters into the background, to make them all part of the picture, not seem like the lettering was on top. I made all of the letters and strips of paper go in the same direction, like a stream of water

I chose to make stability black and white, with different tones of grey in the background. I cut the letters from white paper squares, and put them onto the black strip. I used straight lines and rectangles to create the feeling of safety and stability, and put the strip right across the page, as a connector, to join the background all together.

The main idea of this piece is that nothing is touching, everything is spaced out and separate. the background is plain white, with two dull blue rectangles in opposite corners. I chose the blue because I wanted to get across the feeling of loneliness that comes from detachment. For the type, I took the last three letters and cut them in half, then angled the top half to come away from the rest, like it is about to float away.

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