Wednesday 3 October 2012

Graphic Designers research

A. Stefan Sagmeister

I like this piece by Sagmeister, made from bananas glued to a wall, because of the changing nature of it. It starts out with the motto 'self-confidence produces fine results', but as the bananas ripen, the motto disappears and the bananas all end up the same colour.
B. Wim Crouwel

This piece of typography by Crouwel caught my eye because of its simplicity. I found it very interesting that even though the 'a' doesn't look like a traditional 'a', it is still easy to read the words.

C. Alan Fletcher

This appeals to me because of the bright colours Fletcher has used, and the dripping effect down the page. My favourite part of this work is the yellow letter 'A'. Because of the semitransparent nature of the paint, The green and red shows through and the colours merge together.

D. Kris Sowersby

I like this typeface Sowersby has designed, because it reminds me of a poster, perhaps for a circus. I like the double lines that make the letters, and the simple colour scheme of red, black and white. The shapes of the letters are fairly ordinary, not particularly interesting, but on the ends of each line is a circle, and I think this is what I like about the font.

E. Pep Carrio

This is a page from one of Carrio's notebooks, and it has a silhouetted man in the bottom corner, but the rest of the double page is covered with lines, that could be branches or roots. It is detailed, but also very simple and striking. I think because it is black and white it isn't too busy.

F. Noma Bar

I think Bar is my favourite of all the graphic designers I have researched so far, because of the simple block colours in his pictures, and because of the clever compositions. He merges the negative space of one image with another image, so often you have to look twice to notice the whole picture.

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