Monday 1 October 2012

Graphic design.

Today was my first session in graphic design, and it wasn't what I expected it to be. There are many areas of graphic design, such as advertising, music and film, packaging, typography, editorial, signs and corporate identity. I looked at the summer 2012 issue of 'computer arts' magazine, and was very interested in the article 'Transform your fortunes' about marketing your designs and merchandise successfully. It first caught my eye because of the pictures that went with the article, pictures of 'No Guts No glory' and 'Stereohype's merchandise. I liked these because before I hadn't realised that this was graphic design, and after reading the article, it made me think more about graphic designers having their own business, and not just working for a larger company as I had previously thought.

  I also looked at Dalton Maag, the winner of the graphic design section of Designs of the year 2012 awards He designed the font 'Nokia pure' for Nokia's new visual identity and new generation of phones. Although I understand that much of the design is due to ease of use, and the font has to work both very large, on billboards, and very small on the screen on the phone, I didn't feel that the font was particularly exciting or very different to other available fonts, so it isn't the type of typography that interests me. I think it was designed for functionality and recognisability, rather than beauty.

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