Sunday 30 September 2012

Metalwork continued

After our first day in the metal workshop, I researched the artist Junko Mori, who works with metal, and uses many different processes to add effects and textures to her works. I tried to put these textures into my own work. I used a hammer to get a similar effect to Mori's 'silver organism' but I have used copper instead of silver. I like all the tiny marks the hammer makes that add up to make the overall surface of the metal.

I also wanted to use wire to make structures similar to Mori's. First I cut small strips of wire, and hammered both ends of the wire flat, as Mori did in some of her sculptures. I attached these pieces of wire to my block of wood using a piece of tin plated steel and nails. I bent the wire into a curved, more organic shape. I like the tapering effect of the wire because they look like petals.

I also used loops of wire to make petal shapes, and hammered the edges to flatten just the outside edges of the loops. I like this effect because it makes the curves more definite. I attached this to the edge of my wooden block using staples. I positioned it so it hung off the sides, so it could be seen from the other sides and different angles.

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