Saturday 22 September 2012

Fine Art

 This is the first piece I made, using a variety of methods to get my objects onto the paper. I used a projector to change the scale of my objects, like the pink scissors and the washer and bolt, and drew around them as well, to portray the same objects in different ways. I used poster paint, pencil crayon and pastel to get different textures and effects, but only used four colours, pink, purple, blue and green.
 I like this one because it is more direct, I used objects to apply the paint to the paper, such as a fork, a yoghurt pot, a piece of string, and then because my hands were covered in pink paint from the string, I made hand prints  instead of just drawing around them like I did  previously.

This one is one of my favourites, because I like the contrast between the very precise, almost photographic nature of the background with the random, messy blue on top. I found that dropping the paint-covered string, rather than laying it down, made better patterns and wiggles. I also like the simple blue and brown colour-scheme, because I think the brown makes the blue look bluer.
I like the contrast between the pink and green on this one, and the simplicity of the design. I added the blue right at the end, because without it, the colours felt too unbalanced because there was no mid tone in between the bright pink and the dark green.
I used rolled up paper and a projector to make the green spirals. I liked the green and brown together, and they looked very natural together, so I decided to add the blue as a contrast and focal point. I used the same method of dropping the string I used earlier, so the random patterns contrasted with the repetition of the background.

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