Saturday 22 September 2012

3D paper models

We used the same objects for our paper models that we used for our ink drawings. The aim was not to make a model of the object itself, but one inspired by it. One of my favourite parts of the object was the little screws on each end, so I decided to try to make a model which incorporated that spiral.  I decided the base of it would be a cylinder, and I wanted the screw thread to come out from the cylinder all the way round. To make it one continuous spiral, I drew diagonal lines on my paper, so that the end of one line was level horizontally with the start of the next. I then cut slits and folded the paper so the lines stuck out, Similar to making a paper lantern. When I curled the paper into a cylinder and secured it with masking tape, the spiral looked like one continuous line.
I then started thinking about fastening it without using anything other than the paper itself. I thought the best way to do this would be little tabs one one side and slits on the other. I folded the tabs back on themselves inside the cylinder so they wouldn't slip back through.

  I realise my explanation may not have made sense to everyone, so I have made a colour-coded diagram of where each diagonal line on my flat piece of paper goes when it is made into a cylinder.

The end of the red line meets the start of the yellow line, the end of the yellow line meets the start of the green line, etc. Hope that makes sense!

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