Saturday 22 September 2012

More paper models.

One of the reasons I chose my object in the first place was because I found it interesting that the middle part (the green bit) spins, so I decided to make a model to try to capture that. I wanted to show the roundness and movement, so I used scoring and folding to make a shape that I thought conveyed this. I started with  a quarter of a circle, and scored curved lines on both sides then folded it. to get it to spin, I wrapped the end around a metal pole, and threaded it through a slit in the other side so it was secure, but could still move around the pole. I made more of the same shape and put them in size order on the pole, with some going opposite ways.

I think the photo looks as if it is a snapshot taken when it was spinning because of the way the pieces curve. I also like how it looks very organic from the top.
  I made another to go with it, using the same method, but with semicircles instead of quarters. This meant there were no straight edges like on the first one. I liked how this captured the shape of the object better, but it didn't seem to me to have as much of a sense of movement as the first one. I think this might be because the pieces are thinner so they don't overlap as much.

   Once I had made these, I thought that they would make good lamps if a small light was placed under each of the paper petals, or they could be sculptures, put at either side of a doorway.

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