Saturday 15 December 2012

Ceramics: Making a plaster mold

 The first step to making a two-part plaster cast is to bury half of the object being cast in a slab of clay. I am using a glove, so I filled it with sand so it was more three dimensional. I then built clay walls around my slab, and poured in the liquid plaster. When the plaster was almost hard, I removed the clay walls and the slab from the base, but made sure the glove stayed in the plaster piece. I used a five pence piece to dig out holes in the flat parts of the plaster, then painted the plaster with soft soap, to ensure the second half wouldn't stick. I built up the clay walls again around the edge of the plaster piece and poured more plaster on top. I made sure to carefully scoop in the plaster, because if I had poured the plaster straight on top of the glove, it may have dented it.
 I waited for this half to dry a bit, before taking the clay walls off and using a rasp to smooth the sides of the casts, so the join was neat and could fit back together easily. I also scratched two lines on the edge of the cast, so it would be easy to fit back together when I was making my clay gloves.
When the plaster is fully dry, I will take the glove out and use the cast with my clay, and I can make a lot of clay gloves that will all be very similar, to use them in a series. I think the plaster will pick out the texture of the knitted glove very well.

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