Thursday 27 December 2012

Ceramics: fired clay gloves.

 I really liked the colours the clay became when it was fired. I think glazing would make the colours more vibrant, but I didn't want to lose the texture on the surface.
Some of the small pieces got lost somewhere between being made and being fired, so some of the gloves are incomplete, but I don't mind this, because I have been looking at pottery shards, which are always a piece of something that was once complete.
For this glove, although it is only from one half of the mold, I had all of the pieces and was able to sew them all together, to reconstruct what it once was. My favourite part of this piece when I finished was not the look of it (although I do like the colours very much) but the sound it makes when you move it. It jangles when you pick it up, it sounds broken, fragile. I also think using the thread instead of wire or string adds to this sense of fragility and delicacy.

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