Sunday 11 November 2012

Textiles: monoprinting

Mono printing was one of the ways we looked at to apply pattern. I also used collage under the mono prints  For this one I used red and grey ink, over the top of a collage basic fish shape. I also used masking tape to create voids in the lines of ink

For my next one, I used scrap paper to block off the llama shape from the red and grey ink. I think I used too much ink on the plate because it printed onto the parts that I hadn't drawn onto, but I think this was a good effect because it made random shapes in the background.

I then made one using red, orange and grey, and it had quite a patterned design. my favourite part of this one is where I have used red ink after the grey to fill the gaps in the grey pattern.

My last one was more simple, I used less ink so the background would be plain, and just used red and orange so it wouldn't be too busy. I think this is very illustrative, and I like the simplicity of just having lines, with no shading or tone.

Overall, I really enjoyed the mono printing, but it was difficult because I wanted to lean on the paper, but this would have transferred onto the design, so I had to be very careful.

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