Thursday 1 November 2012

Life drawing : Colour

This weeks life drawing was focused on colour, and using colour that wouldn't be used normally, like blues and greens. I think this sometimes worked well, but It was hard to know how much colour to put on without making it look very unnatural. I feel I have got better at looking at proportions, and I've found that I am not rubbing out lines as much. Yellow ochre and other earth colours made quite convincing flesh tones, but I enjoyed experimenting with other, brighter colours like yellow, orange and bright pink

We then added ink, using prussian blue to make the shadows and darker areas, then worked into the ink with pastels for the lighter areas. On the ink and pastel drawings, I tried to only use two or three pastel colours, because of the dark tone of the ink, and the mid tone of the paper, I didn't want them to be too busy.
I am pleased with this drawing, because I think I have used the tone of the paper well, and I have used white and yellow for highlights, and brown pastel and blue ink for shadows and darker areas.

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