Tuesday 13 November 2012

Life drawing: Foreshortening and perspective

 This weeks life drawing was focused on foreshortening, which is essential to make figures the right proportion when they are lying down or seated. Seated poses viewed from the front often need thighs to be drawn a lot shorter than the brain wants. I found the legs on both my drawings very difficult, because on my first line drawing, the legs were a lot smaller than I thought they were, and on the second drawing, the thighs were a lot shorter than I expected, and the lower legs and feet seemed very long in comparison because I could see along the whole length of them. I found that stepping back and looking at my drawing as a whole made it easier to see any mistakes in the proportions or perspective.
We only did two drawings this week, one line drawing, and one with tone. We spent most of the day on our second drawing, which gave us time to get the proportions right then focus on adding the tone. I am very pleased with this drawing because of the subtle changes in tone the charcoal can achieve. I think this is one of my best drawings yet.

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